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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Happy September! (Yes, I know it's a week in already)

So, it's that time of year again. Kids going back to school, some starting new schools; older ones going off to university (later in the month) and others going into work. It's exciting somehow.

My now old secondary school, the mighty Gumley House, has already started into the Autumn term and it's a little strange not to still be there sitting in lessons I'm not enjoying.
I HAVE to visit though - I NEEEEEEEED to know what our music department looks like now. Our old head of music (who also left with us *sad face*) somehow managed to get the dept. £35, 000 worth of stuff from some place that was shutting down, and a new studio.
Thanks, sir, appreciate it now I'm gone -.-

So naturally I'll be inviting myself back to Gumley for a little snoop about.
And also for the novelty of confusing those that know I shouldn't still be there XD

I'm a little anxious for my new course - I've got enrolment coming up in a couple weeks and I suppose that'll be when I meet some of the people that I'll be learning with for the next year.
I'm not so worried about meeting new people, but I'm worried about leaving people behind.
I'm also worried about competition -.- We're all going there to make a career out of singing in some way or another, and I presume a lot of them will be better than me.
Then again, I'm sure I'll have my strong points over some of them - I know some theory, my improv. is... Kinda crap to tell the truth, but I can make up harmonies as I sing so that's a plus, right? And I also have a good ear. Although, I need to practice it a little more because since I learned some sight-reading skills, I've gotten lazy to learn by ear.

On a random side note, I've never thought of reading text aloud as sight-reading... I'm not very good at that either lol 8)

...Yeah, that's about all I had to say, really.

I like the way I could start writing something with some kind of enthusiasm, and the moment I lose the inspiration I had to start with, and look up to see Twitter or Facebook with a little (1) on the tab, I'm gone O_o

So, with that, I bid no one in particular adieu.

Bren ♪♫

P.S. I seriously need the ALT codes for those music notes - having to use the Windows Character Map or C&P it from an older post is just long -.-

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