So, I'm back 8D
And I've never written a post in this colour before. Probably because it's the same colour as my title font but ssshh..
So I'm back from my Brighton trip. I was actually back on Sunday (it's now Thursday (now Friday since I started this post hours ago (too many brackets))), and I couldn't update on the coach due to no wifi access and my impromptu nausea. Then it transpired that I couldn't access the wifi on the Uni Campus. Sucked to be me. Except having Ryan for four days. If it weren't for that, I might have made a start on the presentation and essays I need to do (no one believes this. Neither do I). Not the bit about having Ryan, the no wifi. But to be honest, both of these pose as a problem/distraction for me to do anything logical.
Brighton was lovely - cold and rainy but lovely. I rather missed my straighteners. And with all this fog in London, my hair's allergic reactions to moisture is just escalating day after day.
My darling lovely Ryan took me 'round The Laines and all the little shops she thought I might like, and it was as though we never stepped foot outside of London except the salty sea air that was slowly but surely creating an afro for me.. And the lack of urgency for getting home on time. What a glorious feeling.
We went to a club the night I arrived.. I'd just like to say here and now, dearest reader, that I hate clubs. I'm far too anti-social for something like that and I have NEVER felt so uncomfortable in my life. I can't really explain to you why. It's not like it was a situation I've never been in before. But I.. don't know. It was like crowd anxiety but no panic attack followed. I just urgently needed a wall or something that I could flower on. And I hate being egged on to do something. People telling me to do something after I've said no angers me ridiculous amounts. Especially if I were already trying to do it.
Remind me never to leave the house. Ever.
(I'm being mellow dramatic, I just don't want to ever be so social again.)
Despite that, I still enjoyed my stay there. Didn't enjoy the kitchen or bathroom but beggars can't be choosers.
Today, I'm attempting to find my floor after my wardrobe vomited its contents at me while I was doing a clean out. Appreciate it.
Right now, I'm neglecting the rest of this duty while I have a ramble and then watch the rest of Perception ep. 5.
Tomorrow (technically later today), I go to Central London to buy Ryan's contacts for her Edward Elric cosplay, then I shall play The Sims 3 while I wait for the MCM Expo adventure on Sunday to begin.
I have an extensive make-up routine planned out for Sunday morning so please God allow me to wake up on time -.-
I may post a picture when I return.
Signing off~
Bren ♪♫
An accidental blog to host a mind of obscurity, peculiarity and a strange craving for Japanese sweets. [Also, if you're using a Mac to view this, you're missing out on my pretty font. Sucks to be you <3]

:O :I ¦<
Friday, 26 October 2012
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Two posts in one week??
It must be Christmas :D
Nevertheless, I felt a necessity to update about the fact that I'm travelling south tomorrow morning to visit the love of my life ¦D
I'm going to see Ryan at her Brighton Uni and I shall be there for four days and three nights.
God only knows how I managed to convince Gothel to allow me to "sleep over", a concept she detests without reason or logic. But I've broken the spell (or hypnotised her... we're not sure) to let me out of my tower. So off I go on my merry misadventuring.
Also, my costume for this month's expo has arrived marvelously on time and fits (almost) like a glove. Except the gloves that came with it don't fit but I've got gloves. Actually, if I'm honest, I didn't even realise Lenalee wore gloves at any given point. Woops.
I think my last point to make today is the fact that my nose is cold, I still haven't finished packing, I'm paranoid that I booked the wrong tickets and it's one month exactly today until my birthday.
I'm turning 20.
No one understands the turmoil my brain will be in.
Someone asked me my age earlier and I said 18 without thinking.
Clearly, I'm going to have some troubles with this new double digit world I'm entering in to.
In any case, I shall endeavour to enjoy myself in my childlike wondrous ways that I also manage to.
Not sure that made enough sense...
Also not sure why that keeps returning after "my" ._.
I may update tomorrow whilst on the coach just to giddily exclaim that I'm on my way.
I'm sane.
That was a lie.
I'm going to go pack now.
Signing off~
Bren ♪♫
Nevertheless, I felt a necessity to update about the fact that I'm travelling south tomorrow morning to visit the love of my life ¦D
I'm going to see Ryan at her Brighton Uni and I shall be there for four days and three nights.
God only knows how I managed to convince Gothel to allow me to "sleep over", a concept she detests without reason or logic. But I've broken the spell (or hypnotised her... we're not sure) to let me out of my tower. So off I go on my merry misadventuring.
Also, my costume for this month's expo has arrived marvelously on time and fits (almost) like a glove. Except the gloves that came with it don't fit but I've got gloves. Actually, if I'm honest, I didn't even realise Lenalee wore gloves at any given point. Woops.
I think my last point to make today is the fact that my nose is cold, I still haven't finished packing, I'm paranoid that I booked the wrong tickets and it's one month exactly today until my birthday.
I'm turning 20.
No one understands the turmoil my brain will be in.
Someone asked me my age earlier and I said 18 without thinking.
Clearly, I'm going to have some troubles with this new double digit world I'm entering in to.
In any case, I shall endeavour to enjoy myself in my childlike wondrous ways that I also manage to.
Not sure that made enough sense...
Also not sure why that keeps returning after "my" ._.
I may update tomorrow whilst on the coach just to giddily exclaim that I'm on my way.
I'm sane.
That was a lie.
I'm going to go pack now.
Signing off~
Bren ♪♫
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
I'm not dead, honest~
Good after-evening my whimsical ghost readers~
So, after going into hiding for an appalling year and a month, I have returned. If I'm honest, my old laptop gave out on me. Like they all seem to do, it's rather depressing. That's my excuse for neglecting my little piece of internet for so long. I thought about updating, I really did, but my desktop is only good for playing The Sims 3. Though, apparently one - and only one - of the expansions needs a new graphics card. Ugh, really? Everything else worked fine, what's your problem? So now I'm stuck with animals that look a lot less than healthy. I can't even begin to describe the horrors of graphically incorrect Sim Pets whose icons look like they've died screaming bloody murder to a crimson moon.
Either way, I have to spend money to make it better so I may as well buy a ridiculously fanciful new computer and be done with it. I have a student loan and mummy's fixing up a little short films business for herself, so why not splash out on some pretty technology?
'So how comes I'm back?', I hear the rows of empty seats ask in this abandoned theater I call my blog with its lowly tumbleweeds. 'Well', I begin in exclamation knowing even I'm not terribly intrigued by what I have to say, 'I have a new laptop!'
*Applauds self*
That's right, I bought me a brand new, shiny red laptop.
I've yet to name it. I think I shall call it "Garnet Monkey" as all my technology have names in this format. They are the "Monkey" family. And as of right now I'm changing that spelling to "Munky" to fit with my twitter account.
I have an obsession with gemstones and colours, hence the fact they're all called things like "Sapphire" and "Ruby". "They" being my red and blue iPods (long story as to why I have two, let's just say one broke and then didn't) and my chunky clunky mobular telecommunication device.
But wait, if I have a student loan, then that can mean only one thing..!!
That's right my dearest readers. I beat up my friends and bullied them to buy me pointless crap.
Or we could go with the story about me passing my Diploma (I think?) and getting on to the BMus degree with ease.
Yup. You heard (read) it right. Little ole' me gone done and passed something.
It seems if it isn't music, I can't do it well enough. I even surpassed my own expectation of only going to the Higher Diploma.
You just wait, future me who will read this in 3 years time because I just told her (you.. me?) to. You are totally gonna.. Do something awesome.
I won't speculate in case I don't and read this with bitterness.
Sorry, my optimism is crushed 'neath my pessimism when it comes to personal matters. I often let myself down so when I really accomplish something and get noticed for it (by people who aren't my next of kin or something akin (lol) to that) I get very happy. And oftentimes, motivated.
And I promise to update my rambling spot more often.
I manage to entertain myself when I reread my posts.
Signing off, with cold nosed and heavy eyed love,
Bren ♪♫
So, after going into hiding for an appalling year and a month, I have returned. If I'm honest, my old laptop gave out on me. Like they all seem to do, it's rather depressing. That's my excuse for neglecting my little piece of internet for so long. I thought about updating, I really did, but my desktop is only good for playing The Sims 3. Though, apparently one - and only one - of the expansions needs a new graphics card. Ugh, really? Everything else worked fine, what's your problem? So now I'm stuck with animals that look a lot less than healthy. I can't even begin to describe the horrors of graphically incorrect Sim Pets whose icons look like they've died screaming bloody murder to a crimson moon.
Either way, I have to spend money to make it better so I may as well buy a ridiculously fanciful new computer and be done with it. I have a student loan and mummy's fixing up a little short films business for herself, so why not splash out on some pretty technology?
'So how comes I'm back?', I hear the rows of empty seats ask in this abandoned theater I call my blog with its lowly tumbleweeds. 'Well', I begin in exclamation knowing even I'm not terribly intrigued by what I have to say, 'I have a new laptop!'
*Applauds self*
That's right, I bought me a brand new, shiny red laptop.
I've yet to name it. I think I shall call it "Garnet Monkey" as all my technology have names in this format. They are the "Monkey" family. And as of right now I'm changing that spelling to "Munky" to fit with my twitter account.
I have an obsession with gemstones and colours, hence the fact they're all called things like "Sapphire" and "Ruby". "They" being my red and blue iPods (long story as to why I have two, let's just say one broke and then didn't) and my chunky clunky mobular telecommunication device.
But wait, if I have a student loan, then that can mean only one thing..!!
That's right my dearest readers. I beat up my friends and bullied them to buy me pointless crap.
Or we could go with the story about me passing my Diploma (I think?) and getting on to the BMus degree with ease.
Yup. You heard (read) it right. Little ole' me gone done and passed something.
It seems if it isn't music, I can't do it well enough. I even surpassed my own expectation of only going to the Higher Diploma.
You just wait, future me who will read this in 3 years time because I just told her (you.. me?) to. You are totally gonna.. Do something awesome.
I won't speculate in case I don't and read this with bitterness.
Sorry, my optimism is crushed 'neath my pessimism when it comes to personal matters. I often let myself down so when I really accomplish something and get noticed for it (by people who aren't my next of kin or something akin (lol) to that) I get very happy. And oftentimes, motivated.
And I promise to update my rambling spot more often.
I manage to entertain myself when I reread my posts.
Signing off, with cold nosed and heavy eyed love,
Bren ♪♫
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