So, it's that time of year again. Kids going back to school, some starting new schools; older ones going off to university (later in the month) and others going into work. It's exciting somehow.
My now old secondary school, the mighty Gumley House, has already started into the Autumn term and it's a little strange not to still be there sitting in lessons I'm not enjoying.
I HAVE to visit though - I NEEEEEEEED to know what our music department looks like now. Our old head of music (who also left with us *sad face*) somehow managed to get the dept. £35, 000 worth of stuff from some place that was shutting down, and a new studio.
Thanks, sir, appreciate it now I'm gone -.-
So naturally I'll be inviting myself back to Gumley for a little snoop about.
And also for the novelty of confusing those that know I shouldn't still be there XD
I'm a little anxious for my new course - I've got enrolment coming up in a couple weeks and I suppose that'll be when I meet some of the people that I'll be learning with for the next year.
I'm not so worried about meeting new people, but I'm worried about leaving people behind.
I'm also worried about competition -.- We're all going there to make a career out of singing in some way or another, and I presume a lot of them will be better than me.
Then again, I'm sure I'll have my strong points over some of them - I know some theory, my improv. is... Kinda crap to tell the truth, but I can make up harmonies as I sing so that's a plus, right? And I also have a good ear. Although, I need to practice it a little more because since I learned some sight-reading skills, I've gotten lazy to learn by ear.
On a random side note, I've never thought of reading text aloud as sight-reading... I'm not very good at that either lol 8)
...Yeah, that's about all I had to say, really.
I like the way I could start writing something with some kind of enthusiasm, and the moment I lose the inspiration I had to start with, and look up to see Twitter or Facebook with a little (1) on the tab, I'm gone O_o
So, with that, I bid no one in particular adieu.
Bren ♪♫
P.S. I seriously need the ALT codes for those music notes - having to use the Windows Character Map or C&P it from an older post is just long -.-
An accidental blog to host a mind of obscurity, peculiarity and a strange craving for Japanese sweets. [Also, if you're using a Mac to view this, you're missing out on my pretty font. Sucks to be you <3]

:O :I ¦<
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Sweet Jesus, I'm on fire
For some absurd, inhumane and generally ridiculous reason, I never heard much about, nor was into the band Elbow until I went to the Leeds Festival the other week (yes, that's what the ****'s were about... I'm really smart to have put the exact amount so that Ryan could easily guess it, aren't I?)
I feel ashamed to only be recognising their godly musical awesomeness but I'm sure I'll be forgiven as I welcome it with WIDE open arms because never on the first listen has a couple of songs got me to go out and buy two entire albums... Good God these guys are good ¦3
Therefore I dedicate the rest of this post to my favourite song off my now favourite album, and just general OMFG I LOVE THIS SONG... Yeah 8)
Also, I highlighted the lines I love most..
If you couldn't tell, the parts I highlighted started from "I plant the kind of kiss" to the last time he sings "All down to you dear"
Bren ♪♫
I feel ashamed to only be recognising their godly musical awesomeness but I'm sure I'll be forgiven as I welcome it with WIDE open arms because never on the first listen has a couple of songs got me to go out and buy two entire albums... Good God these guys are good ¦3
Therefore I dedicate the rest of this post to my favourite song off my now favourite album, and just general OMFG I LOVE THIS SONG... Yeah 8)
Also, I highlighted the lines I love most..
I plant the kind of kiss
That wouldn't wake a baby
On the self same face
The lie wouldn't let me sleep
And the street is singing with my feet
And dawn gives me a shadow I know to be taller
All down to you, dear
Everything has changed
My sorry name
Has made it to graffiti
I was looking for
Someone to complete me
Not anymore, dear.
Everything has changed
You make the moon a mirrorball
The streets an empty stage
The city's sirens, violins
Everything has changed
So lift off love
All down to you, dear
And lift off love
All down to you, dear
And we took the town to town last night
We kissed like we invented it
And now I know what every step is for
To lead me to your door
Know that while you sleep
Everything has changed
You make the moon a mirrorball
The streets an empty stage
The city's sirens, violins
Everything has changed.
Everything has changed.
Everything has changed
So lift off love
So lift off love
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Lift off love
All down to you, dear
Bren ♪♫
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Brendon Urie
A massive inspiration in my musical life and an amazing guy. I've never had the good fortune to speak to this man but there are weird similarities between him and myself it's kinda funny.
One of my life goals is to be able to play the same amount (if not more O_o) instruments as him... Seriously, here's a list: Vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboard, synthesizer, programming, drums, percussion, accordion, organ, cello, violin, trumpet.
Damn him -.-
I think I have about 6 of those sorta under my belt :/
Honestly, Brendon. Help the needy; share some talent ._.

One of my life goals is to be able to play the same amount (if not more O_o) instruments as him... Seriously, here's a list: Vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboard, synthesizer, programming, drums, percussion, accordion, organ, cello, violin, trumpet.
Damn him -.-
I think I have about 6 of those sorta under my belt :/
Honestly, Brendon. Help the needy; share some talent ._.
Also, he's completely insane. There's no two ways about it, he's insane. It's wonderful. 8)
[The other] Bren ♪♫
Thursday, 18 August 2011
I got "bleh" results and I'm going to "bleh" University!!!
It's today!
Everyone's getting their A-Level results and spamming my News Feed on facebook with what their results are and where it's taking them.
Don't get me wrong now, 'cause I'm totally happy for everyone, but it's a bit of a downer.
Simpy because I made a mess of my life and had to repeat a year so I'm behind all my friends. And then I made a mess of it the second time round and was withdrawn from my exams entirely. They pretty much kicked me out considering I was no longer on any of the registers and didn't have to attend any lessons after that...
Looking at it, my situation was pretty bad, but it did get better because I've got myself a place on a Vocal Diploma course for the next year and will possibly move on to the Higher Diploma if I actually manage not to screw this one up as well.
But naturally, being the depressing person I am, I can't help looking at everyone going on without me and thinking "Once again, I'm out of the loop". What can I say? I hate being left behind.
Not to mention I was going to go and support them today but Gothel, the evil witch that has trapped me inside my tower trying to convince me that everything in the outside world is bad and horrible and I'm better off inside, has decided that because I already went out this week, I can't go out again.
I'm actually going to become a hermit at this rate.
I was probably better off not going though, 'cause I'd just be a rain cloud (and it's currently raining anyway) in the corner of the room, mulling over my useless ability to continuously mess things up for myself despite how hard people around me try to help.
Ah well. Now that I've written this out I feel better and can probably get out of bed and go have breakfast. Although, Gothel is probably lurking downstairs just waiting to rub in the fact that I only have one A-Level, and it's not even a good one, while everyone else is off to University.
That's the brilliant part about Gothel; I cheer myself up, and she puts me back in a bad mood. She really loves the frown on my face.
But now I have a new code name for her. It's wonderful!
I'll forget it in about 5 minutes.
Just think, Brendon, this time next week you'll be sitting in Ryan's house enjoying yourself, waiting with great anticipation for the next day when we finally get to go to ***** ******** and see ****** ** *** *****.
7 days 23 hours 41 minutes x seconds
Next week should be a good one...
Bren ♪♫
Everyone's getting their A-Level results and spamming my News Feed on facebook with what their results are and where it's taking them.
Don't get me wrong now, 'cause I'm totally happy for everyone, but it's a bit of a downer.
Simpy because I made a mess of my life and had to repeat a year so I'm behind all my friends. And then I made a mess of it the second time round and was withdrawn from my exams entirely. They pretty much kicked me out considering I was no longer on any of the registers and didn't have to attend any lessons after that...
Looking at it, my situation was pretty bad, but it did get better because I've got myself a place on a Vocal Diploma course for the next year and will possibly move on to the Higher Diploma if I actually manage not to screw this one up as well.
But naturally, being the depressing person I am, I can't help looking at everyone going on without me and thinking "Once again, I'm out of the loop". What can I say? I hate being left behind.
Not to mention I was going to go and support them today but Gothel, the evil witch that has trapped me inside my tower trying to convince me that everything in the outside world is bad and horrible and I'm better off inside, has decided that because I already went out this week, I can't go out again.
I'm actually going to become a hermit at this rate.
I was probably better off not going though, 'cause I'd just be a rain cloud (and it's currently raining anyway) in the corner of the room, mulling over my useless ability to continuously mess things up for myself despite how hard people around me try to help.
Ah well. Now that I've written this out I feel better and can probably get out of bed and go have breakfast. Although, Gothel is probably lurking downstairs just waiting to rub in the fact that I only have one A-Level, and it's not even a good one, while everyone else is off to University.
That's the brilliant part about Gothel; I cheer myself up, and she puts me back in a bad mood. She really loves the frown on my face.
But now I have a new code name for her. It's wonderful!
I'll forget it in about 5 minutes.
Just think, Brendon, this time next week you'll be sitting in Ryan's house enjoying yourself, waiting with great anticipation for the next day when we finally get to go to ***** ******** and see ****** ** *** *****.
7 days 23 hours 41 minutes x seconds
Next week should be a good one...
Bren ♪♫
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Toast Anyone?
I had something I was going to say here and it was quite good but I can't remember what it was. I wish I had written it down, I have a memory like a sieve sometimes -.-
In the meantime, Cake is a band I should've gotten into ages ago. They have a cool mellowness about them... Well, at least their song "Cool Blue Reason" does. Irony that I'm typing in blue as I listen? Possibly not.
Once again, I have no reason to write anything at all other than for purposes of spamming internet bandwiths and such.
In the meantime, Cake is a band I should've gotten into ages ago. They have a cool mellowness about them... Well, at least their song "Cool Blue Reason" does. Irony that I'm typing in blue as I listen? Possibly not.
Once again, I have no reason to write anything at all other than for purposes of spamming internet bandwiths and such.
How about some news?
Tomorrow (now today considering I procrastinated on writing this...) looks to be a good day; The band are getting together for the first time in just over a year. Which means...!!!
Tomorrow (now today considering I procrastinated on writing this...) looks to be a good day; The band are getting together for the first time in just over a year. Which means...!!!
We shall be baking cakes...
Not quite music but there's some creativity in it.
I need to go speak to Ryan's mum about things we're planning behind Ryan's back, and also give back her shoes and see if I can try to fix her little laptop which has pretty much divided by zero inside it's main drive and eaten itself.
Not quite music but there's some creativity in it.
I need to go speak to Ryan's mum about things we're planning behind Ryan's back, and also give back her shoes and see if I can try to fix her little laptop which has pretty much divided by zero inside it's main drive and eaten itself.
It deleted the control panel. Seriously, how do you go about doing that???
I also need to go to a shop in Hounslow which sells threads so I can finish my little projects.
I also need to go to a shop in Hounslow which sells threads so I can finish my little projects.
It was Spencer's birthday just a little before I created this blog (a hundred years ago in real life, 3 minutes ago in bloggers terms) but the other day I had a brainstorm; I had picked up cross stitching not long ago because mother found a pack of it, and then I deviated from the normal patterns and ended up going from a rather pixelated looking happy flower in a pot saying 'Hi' to an embroidered Batman and The Joker.
A bit insane really.
I'm working on another project at the same time but I'll leave that one for later.
A bit insane really.
I'm working on another project at the same time but I'll leave that one for later.
So yeah. Considering I started writing this, like, 4 hours ago, I can't actually remember where my train of thoughts was going with this post.
And considering I told myself I'd go to bed an hour ago and haven't, and also now that the internet is breaking, I think this is a good time to just say bye I'll write something more interesting another day. Probably.
Probably not, but we can hope can't we?
And considering I told myself I'd go to bed an hour ago and haven't, and also now that the internet is breaking, I think this is a good time to just say bye I'll write something more interesting another day. Probably.
Probably not, but we can hope can't we?
Bren ♪♫
Friday, 5 August 2011
I'd just like to take this moment to say,
Love you <3
Bren ♪♫
And then it hit me..
Dr. Facilier, from The Princess and the Frog
Just sayin', but he looks like my driving instructor... Should I be worried?
Just sayin', but he looks like my driving instructor... Should I be worried?
Bren ♪♫
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Be careful with status updates...
Honestly. I made a very harmless status update and then SUDDENLY...
What I wrote was this:
What I wrote was this:
· There's nothing to do and I want to sleep, but if I sleep tomorrow will come quicker which I don't want it to. But it's too boring to be awake. -____-
482 comments later and here I am telling my lonesome blogspot about it. Good grief.
I was only complaining about my driving test which I'm retaking tomorrow and severely not looking forward to. Then I got told it sounded depressing... Not really. It just sounds like I have a dull life.
That'll teach me to write a status as I please.
Considering deleting these two annoying gits but that would be low. I can't stoop to that level.
One day I plan to purge my facebook of people I don't particularly like, talk to, or even know. Perhaps in reverse order.
But this thread... I have no intention of posting it here. LAWLZ that would be silly.
I WILL however post over 9000 images illustrating how I was feeling as the thread went along. Enjoy!
But this thread... I have no intention of posting it here. LAWLZ that would be silly.
I WILL however post over 9000 images illustrating how I was feeling as the thread went along. Enjoy!
So at first I was all like
And then I was like,
![]() |
I Must express anger in vague facebook status |
And then some chick started commenting and telling me I was being depressing so I attempted to put her right but she wasn't having it so I was like
![]() |
Offs please go away fool |
And then my cousin came along to defend me so I was like,
![]() |
Someone understands my pain and has some sense!! |
So we argued with this chick for a bit and it was like,
![]() | |
She's being a mong while we're trolling her~ And then she started being a douche and I was there like |
Oh, it is OHWWN brother ¬ ¬
So then we were there FURIOUSLY typing away to this fool
![]() |
When two of my friends came to join the battle
So then we were working together trying to tell this girl that most of her points were wrong when her friend came along to back-up her incorrect points...
And I was literally thinking,
And I was literally thinking,
So after a while, more stupidness ensued and then more stupid question came along and on my part I went from mocking them happily to being uber pissed at them.
My series of emotions went like;
My series of emotions went like;
![]() |
Are they serious..??? |
So now I kinda decided to stop caring at started mercilessly spamming them with whatever thought crossed my mind and posting things one after the other in quick succession...
![]() |
Problem? |
And now we just went back to toying with them and happily laughing at their expense while they carried on being somewhat lame in the head
And then it all died down as everyone went offline and said goodnight (not in that order) except me who just sat and thought
And then it all died down as everyone went offline and said goodnight (not in that order) except me who just sat and thought
It wasn't all as bad as it could've ended...
But they're still completely retarded.
As a final note I thought I'd just say, whatever the date on this post says, I started writing this on Wednesday and it's now Saturday that I've finally finished it. Too much effort with all the pictures -.-
Also, I didn't pass my driving test. Again. Screw it -.-
*Sigh* Now I can write other random posts like I've been meaning to ^^
Bren ♪♫
Also, I didn't pass my driving test. Again. Screw it -.-
*Sigh* Now I can write other random posts like I've been meaning to ^^
Bren ♪♫
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Monday, 18 July 2011
I'll eat my right hand with a potato chip!
Don't ask me about the title. I didn't come up with it. I was having a conversation with an old friend about Death Note; in particular the line that Light Yagami says in a later episode - "Just watch me L; I'll solve equations with my right hand and write names with my left... I'll take a potato chip... AND EAT IT!"
And it's like :O omfg... That was the most epic eating of a potato chip in the history of the world
And Daniel (my old friend.. He's an old man at heart, really) was attempting the line when somehow he accidentally came up with, "I'll show you L; I'll eat potato chips with my right hand, and eat potato chips with my left hand. I'll take this notebook... AND OMNOMNOM. Tastes like death"
Daniel = /fail. But it makes for interesting conversation.
Hello darlings!
Cool... That doesn't look how it sounds in my head. That sounds like a posh aunt come to visit with exotic sweets from across the continents...
Cool... That doesn't look how it sounds in my head. That sounds like a posh aunt come to visit with exotic sweets from across the continents...
I meant it more like "Ello dahlings!"
Think Edna Mode from the Incredibles (go look it up NAO).
Think Edna Mode from the Incredibles (go look it up NAO).
Side tracking - while looking up clips of her myself, I found out she's voiced by the movie director, Brad Bird. A dude.
Anyway, back to whatever it was I wasn't going to tell you... Whoever "you" are.
Anyway, back to whatever it was I wasn't going to tell you... Whoever "you" are.
I think this post shall be a nice little ramble about anything. So, to begin, here's my current Facebook status:
· Don't you just hate it when you try to push past a hanging tree branch with your umbrella and the tree's just like "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" and smacks your umbrella into your face?
Yeah, I hate that too -.-
I've got 7 'Likes' on that so far... I'm feeling pretty damn popular ¦)
So... What shall we talk about today? How about how frustrating it is to keep the formatting of this font going when it's not actually a part of the original coding for this website.. Teehee. Breaking through their barriers :3
I think I shall make a list of all the anime and - actually I'll make a separate page for that. Thanks for the idea.
So now what shall I talk about?
I shall talk about what to talk about. BOTHER!!!
This is why most people create blogs with some kind of aim... So as not to babble when they feel they should write something but don't know what to write. It reminds me of when I'm writing my diary; I start off very general but towards the end when I've used up most of the space I get an idea of what to write and try to squish it all it...
I shall talk about what to talk about. BOTHER!!!
This is why most people create blogs with some kind of aim... So as not to babble when they feel they should write something but don't know what to write. It reminds me of when I'm writing my diary; I start off very general but towards the end when I've used up most of the space I get an idea of what to write and try to squish it all it...
Don't need to worry about that here though! I've got LOADS of room to ramble on... But I won't because I don't want to bore you, dear reader; my ramblings might be interesting to me, but might be rather dull to someone else so I shall make an attempt at being concise.
No chance.
I've recently discovered that I can't speak in a straight line. I always spawn off on another point. So if I'm explaining something long-winded to you, chances are I'll never go back to my original point.
No chance.
I've recently discovered that I can't speak in a straight line. I always spawn off on another point. So if I'm explaining something long-winded to you, chances are I'll never go back to my original point.
That's such a man's way of speaking.
Or it's a sign I speak too much.
I vote for both.
I vote for both.
Note to self: Check last entry in diary before going to bed.
Right, I think that's enough rambling for now.
I shall use the next couple of posts to - I could make a separate page for that too.
Right, I think that's enough rambling for now.
I shall use the next couple of posts to - I could make a separate page for that too.
Expect pages. Lots of them.
Oh heeell -.-
Oh heeell -.-
Bren ♪♫
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Belieber it!
That was such a bad pun I'm actually ashamed -.-
Ok, today's entry shall be a little rant of sorts about Mr. Justin Bieber. Yay!
Coz I leik t07a11Y WUV h!m!!!£"$%£$^!!111!!1! ♥♥♥♥♥
If you can't tell, that was a blatant lie.
I was roaming the internet one day, as per the usual, sifting through pictures on (freaking amazing site for nonsense pictures) and I came across a mini documentary about Mr. Bieber. I was curious because I realise don't actually know anything about him... Other than that I've decided I don't like him because I don't want to jump on some bandwagon just because some kids hyped him up on YouTube. Thing is, if he was a little less smug-cocky and his voice broke, and he got a better sense of style and hair cut, he'd be more appealing.
Yes I know it's not all about appearances but the appearance he has now is just bloody annoying. It doesn't match his personality.
As a musician, I respect him for his talents. There's no denying he's talented. But right now he's just a little kid who's been swept up by the media and made global just like that... There's very little background to him so his career is really shallow. That's why I don't like him. It's not like he's started small and worked his way up gradually becoming more liked by the general public; he started small then BOOM everyone loves him and it's like, there are people out there with more meaningful music than yours and they aren't getting noticed like you are.
I keep thinking of little Michael Jackson (don't start yelling, I'm aware there's no comparison of this kid to MJ.. Work with me here). He was a kid singer starting out in the Jackson 5.. They've got a proper story behind them (whatever it was..) and sensation that he was, he didn't just go BOOM EVERYONE LOVES ME just like that. Granted with internet and technology advances, had he started that career today he might've, but their music was funk, disco proper RnB... SOUL man... You can't say no to soul. But you can certainly say AW HELL NAW to "baby, baby, baby OOOOOH".
Hmm... Ok so this argument isn't very well structured I realise as I re-read this the morning after ranting it to my friend on MSN... But my point is - Um...
What is my point?
I don't even know anymore. Simply, Justin, get a new look and a genre more suited to a 16 year old boy who's voice has not broken yet and therefore should not be trying to woo the ladies... And then all the haters might stop hating.
I'm just indifferent to your existence but it does make me cringe.
Anyway, I'm gonna go have breakfast now. It's like 12:25pm and I've been at my laptop since I woke up two hours ago. I should probably write a post about how I like computers too much... Mmmm.
Bren. ♪♫
Ok, today's entry shall be a little rant of sorts about Mr. Justin Bieber. Yay!
Coz I leik t07a11Y WUV h!m!!!£"$%£$^!!111!!1! ♥♥♥♥♥
If you can't tell, that was a blatant lie.
I was roaming the internet one day, as per the usual, sifting through pictures on (freaking amazing site for nonsense pictures) and I came across a mini documentary about Mr. Bieber. I was curious because I realise don't actually know anything about him... Other than that I've decided I don't like him because I don't want to jump on some bandwagon just because some kids hyped him up on YouTube. Thing is, if he was a little less smug-cocky and his voice broke, and he got a better sense of style and hair cut, he'd be more appealing.
Yes I know it's not all about appearances but the appearance he has now is just bloody annoying. It doesn't match his personality.
As a musician, I respect him for his talents. There's no denying he's talented. But right now he's just a little kid who's been swept up by the media and made global just like that... There's very little background to him so his career is really shallow. That's why I don't like him. It's not like he's started small and worked his way up gradually becoming more liked by the general public; he started small then BOOM everyone loves him and it's like, there are people out there with more meaningful music than yours and they aren't getting noticed like you are.
I keep thinking of little Michael Jackson (don't start yelling, I'm aware there's no comparison of this kid to MJ.. Work with me here). He was a kid singer starting out in the Jackson 5.. They've got a proper story behind them (whatever it was..) and sensation that he was, he didn't just go BOOM EVERYONE LOVES ME just like that. Granted with internet and technology advances, had he started that career today he might've, but their music was funk, disco proper RnB... SOUL man... You can't say no to soul. But you can certainly say AW HELL NAW to "baby, baby, baby OOOOOH".
Hmm... Ok so this argument isn't very well structured I realise as I re-read this the morning after ranting it to my friend on MSN... But my point is - Um...
What is my point?
I don't even know anymore. Simply, Justin, get a new look and a genre more suited to a 16 year old boy who's voice has not broken yet and therefore should not be trying to woo the ladies... And then all the haters might stop hating.
I'm just indifferent to your existence but it does make me cringe.
Anyway, I'm gonna go have breakfast now. It's like 12:25pm and I've been at my laptop since I woke up two hours ago. I should probably write a post about how I like computers too much... Mmmm.
Bren. ♪♫
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Is this Earth??
Congratulations to me on being born!!
No, it's not my birthday...
Hello. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Roisin. But in the world of the peculiar, odd and "why did you just lick my arm??" I more often go by the nickname Brendon.
Yes, I am aware this is a male name and I am female. If you've read my little auto-bio you may have guessed that things in my head and world don't go quite according to the rest of the outside contemporary world. But it's OK, we should embrace the weirder parts of ourselves otherwise you may find that you will lose yourself in amongst the trivial unimportant happenings of media and other such drivel as that.
To explain my nickname, I was baptised with this title about two years ago when a few friends and I formed our band 'Dark Rayne Sonata'. As we are all MAD fans of Panic! At The Disco, we decided it a good idea to name ourselves after the band member with our respective positions. Therefore, as the lead singer, I am now Brendon.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
So... Ok, formal time over.
This blog was created by accident then on a whim. I was actually trying to write a comment on a friend's blog (my lead guitarist and second vocalist, Ryan - also female with male name) using the band's Twitter account.. I kinda forgot how to do it and through a mad series of events I found myself at a page requesting that I sign up... So I did and here I am talking to no one at the moment. But perhaps someone will find interest in my lowly blog space (that doesn't know me directly... You lot don't count ¬ ¬).
I'm trying not to ramble on for too long; this is a bad habit of mine especially when it's just me and my thoughts and somewhere that I can read them back to myself.
Perhaps for now I'll just.. Oh I dunno -.- I'll leave it there and things can be learned over time.
Also, there is not point to this blog. It has no aim, no meaning, no cause.
It's just standing around "Waiting for the sky to fall".
It shall be my interactive thought-pad.
That works nicely.
Bren. ♪♫
Hello. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Roisin. But in the world of the peculiar, odd and "why did you just lick my arm??" I more often go by the nickname Brendon.
Yes, I am aware this is a male name and I am female. If you've read my little auto-bio you may have guessed that things in my head and world don't go quite according to the rest of the outside contemporary world. But it's OK, we should embrace the weirder parts of ourselves otherwise you may find that you will lose yourself in amongst the trivial unimportant happenings of media and other such drivel as that.
To explain my nickname, I was baptised with this title about two years ago when a few friends and I formed our band 'Dark Rayne Sonata'. As we are all MAD fans of Panic! At The Disco, we decided it a good idea to name ourselves after the band member with our respective positions. Therefore, as the lead singer, I am now Brendon.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
So... Ok, formal time over.
This blog was created by accident then on a whim. I was actually trying to write a comment on a friend's blog (my lead guitarist and second vocalist, Ryan - also female with male name) using the band's Twitter account.. I kinda forgot how to do it and through a mad series of events I found myself at a page requesting that I sign up... So I did and here I am talking to no one at the moment. But perhaps someone will find interest in my lowly blog space (that doesn't know me directly... You lot don't count ¬ ¬).
I'm trying not to ramble on for too long; this is a bad habit of mine especially when it's just me and my thoughts and somewhere that I can read them back to myself.
Perhaps for now I'll just.. Oh I dunno -.- I'll leave it there and things can be learned over time.
Also, there is not point to this blog. It has no aim, no meaning, no cause.
It's just standing around "Waiting for the sky to fall".
It shall be my interactive thought-pad.
That works nicely.
Bren. ♪♫
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